Monday, August 13, 2012

CR 438 ~ Recovery Run 3.01 mi - 9:18 pace

I did a bad thing today. You know that Little Caesars commercial that advertises their deep dish pizza? Well, that's what I had for lunch today, and it was oh so good! So I had to get out and punish myself tonight.

Had a GREAT run tonight!! Legs were feeling really good after 12 miles last night. I was able to get this run in just before it got too dark. Ran down and back...and pulled a couple of long hills so gracefully that I actually gained pace on the way back. You're capable of more than you think when it's getting dark and you don't want to get run over. And I saw the cutest bunny rabbit on the side of the road.

Fun run tonight! Feeling good and so happy to be in Week 3!!


  1. Hills after a 12 miler!? You are a beast...

  2. Every route I do around here has hills. Please point me in the direction of some flatlands!!
