So...Saturday is my big day!! I'll be setting a new distance record with 14 miles!! I'm super stoked...but a little nervous. Praying I don't have to run it solo. I'm taking tomorrow off. Hope everyone has great a great weekend!!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Chelsea Park Loop ~ 7 mi
So...Saturday is my big day!! I'll be setting a new distance record with 14 miles!! I'm super stoked...but a little nervous. Praying I don't have to run it solo. I'm taking tomorrow off. Hope everyone has great a great weekend!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Loop 2, Columbiana ~ 4.01 mi/ 10:12 pace
So 7.6 miles today felt pretty good!
Loop 1, Columbiana ~ 3.59 mi/ 12:23 pace
Monday, August 27, 2012
Cycling @ Anytime Fitness ~ 17 mi/ 17.3 mph
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Recovery run @ Anytime ~ 4 mi/ 10:56 pace
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Ole Miss campus ~10 mi/ 9:51 pace
My sister-in-law ran the first 5 miles with me while my father-in-law biked with us. Really enjoyed this part of the run. Did a lot of puddle jumping...ended up with squishy shoes after about mile 2. Ran Fraternity Row, Sorority Row, Rowan Oak...Splits were 9:40, 9:13, 9:32, 9:29, 9:53. This was a much faster pace than I usually start long distance off with, but it felt great! Then back to the truck to get my sister-in-law's bike and to put my trail running shoes on for the second half.
Second half I ran solo with the two bikers. This was more fun than I expected. Ran by part of the campus again and then to Whirlpool Trails. I have run a few trails recently, but never in the mud. It made it more...interesting. We stopped and watched a doe standing in the middle of the trail on the way in. Splits were 9:55, 10:14, 10:31, 10:11, 10:01. Overall average of 9:51 on 10 miles. Not bad at all! Extremely pleased with that.
So this was THE BEST long distance run I have done (not counting races). So thankful I had my support system that stuck with me in the pouring rain and mud. We talked, laughed and cut up the entire time. It poured rain almost the entire run. Not just a mist, but a good hard rain. Made it more fun and definitely more memorable!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Run #2 ~ Hwy 438 ~ 3.02 mi/ 9:37 pace
Hope everyone has a great day of running! I'll be cheering you on on the sidelines!
Run #1, Columbiana ~ 3.66 mi/ 12:37 pace
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Anytime ~ 4 mi/ 10:45 pace
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Cycling at Anytime ~ 9 mi/ 33 mins/ 16.4 mph
Monday, August 20, 2012
Columbiana ~ 5 mi/ 10:12 pace
I actually ran into a good friend of mine, Jen ( R Shane R. ), while she was walking her dog. She is like a ray of sunshine....just what I needed to start my run off today. :)
Tired legs today, but a pretty good run.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Chelsea Park 7.2 mi/ 8.0mph pace
Oh, and we stopped on top of the bridge and watched the train under us. Very cool, but I forgot to stop the Garmin. #shameonme
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Chelsea Park Clock Tower ~ 12 mi/ 11:52 pace
The hills in Chelsea Park were such a mental and physical struggle for me today! Right after I ran out the door, the sun came out and it was hot...and the only thing I could think of was "where in the world is the cold front James Spann has been talking about?!" Finishing up a 12 miler at noon is too late right now. I got a little overheated. Did what I had to do to finish, which included walking portions of some hills. #ashamed Like I said, it was a struggle. I was just worn slap out. But...Week 3 is COMPLETE and I am moving on!
Oh, I weighed 4 lbs lighter when I got back. :)
Friday, August 17, 2012
Rode Anytime ~ 16 mi/ 16.6mph pace
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Loop 2 Columbiana ~ 3.6 mi/ 10:35 pace
Tomorrow is cross training and then 12 miles on Saturday. Woohoo!!
Loop 1 Columbiana ~ 3.61 mi/ 13:19 pace
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
CR 438 ~ Short run 3 mi/ 9:21 pace
Monday, August 13, 2012
CR 438 ~ Recovery Run 3.01 mi - 9:18 pace
Had a GREAT run tonight!! Legs were feeling really good after 12 miles last night. I was able to get this run in just before it got too dark. Ran down and back...and pulled a couple of long hills so gracefully that I actually gained pace on the way back. You're capable of more than you think when it's getting dark and you don't want to get run over. And I saw the cutest bunny rabbit on the side of the road.
Fun run tonight! Feeling good and so happy to be in Week 3!!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Week 2 MT ~ COMPLETE!! 12 mi - 11:20 pace
Friday, August 10, 2012
Rode The Hills of Chelsea Park - 7.5 mi/ 38 mins

Thursday, August 9, 2012
Run #2 - 3 mi/ 11:20 pace
Run #1 - 3 mi/ 11:15 pace
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Biked Chelsea Park - 7 mi/ 35 mins
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Basement TM - 4 mi/ 10:26 pace
Double ~ New partner - 2.3 mi/ 12:01 pace
She did really well tonight. We ran/wallked the 2.3 miles. It was hot and humid outside, but she did a great job! She's got such long legs, I had to hold her back in the beginning because she was wanting to take off and leave me. Fun way to have mother-daughter time tonight!
Lakewood ~ Week 2, short run - 3 mi/ 8:52 pace
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Rode Chelsea Park - 8.18 mi/ 41 mins
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Week 1 COMPLETE - 10 mi/11:30 pace
I've been trying to train myself "nice and slow" when it comes to pace for marathon training, so I have slowed it down quite a bit lately. That is the one piece of advice everyone has given me so I am taking it.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Lakewood 3 mi/9:55 pace
I literally felt like I was running in hell today! WAY too hot for comfort. Accuweather says it feels about 105 degrees, and that feels...about right! :) My friends that run during lunch...I don't know how you do it in this heat. My shoulders were heavy and fatigued, and there was no fresh air because of the repaving going on in our neighborhood. Could not control my pace today...too wide open. You would think I would be able to run slow in the heat! Duh! I need a do-over for today. LOL! But the positive is, it's over, I didn't pass out, and I had a good sweat going!Hope everyone is having a great day!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Bike & Weights - 10 mi/33 mins
Great spin at the gym tonight. I love cross-training!
I am sooooo ready for school to start so I can get back in my routine. It's been tough getting workouts in this summer.