Well, this run did not go as planned. (shaking my head) I set out to do 10 miles this morning, trying to run out the door before it got too hot. Temps are kissing 100 here the past few days, with heat advisories every morning I wake. Only 2 miles into this run, a Pit bull charges at me. Unfortunately the new Mace in my hand decides it doesn't want to work. I had tested it when I bought it and haven't had to use it since. Thankfully I came out of this standoff without a dog bite. Knew I had about 5 more ankle-biters on the same road that would run out at me, so I stopped to figure out what was going on with the Mace. Couldn't get the dang thing to spray, but it did leak purple liquid all over my hands. So with all the sweating in the heat and trying to get back to my car, thinking I wasn't about to do this loop again today, I somehow managed to get it on my face while using the backs of my hands to wipe sweat. Let me tell you, if it had worked on the dog, he would have had a really bad day. Because I felt like I had flames burning my face and hands.
At this point my run was over. I was just trying to run back to my car so I could get home and shower. My fingers were red and swelling, my face was burning, and I started getting a headache. Got home and showered, iced my hands and coated my hands and face with Rodan+Fields SOOTHE! This is a recovery I've never done before.
Thankfully, I was able to get the last 5 miles on the treadmill in my basement, where there are no dogs threatening my safety. Glad this 10 miles finally came together. Nothing like a little drama to make things interesting.
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