Awesome time at the Talladega Super Speedway today. Not a PR by any stretch, but I had a blast out there today...and that's what it's all about! It was so good to revisit the track and run this race again this year. Kinda strange how you remember all the little things from the first time you run a certain course or what you were thinking at a certain point or what your pace was. I had a lot of that going on today, which made it all the more exciting.
Had to fight the wind a good bit today, and it was pretty hot. There were a few times I questioned whether I was actually moving. Held a steady pace in the 9:50s/ until around mile 7, where I started to slow down just a bit. Had a cool moment where I looked down at my watch at mile 10.13, was running a pace of 10:13/ and an average pace of 10:13/. If only I could have gotten a picture of that!
Picked the pace back up the last little bit and finished strong! So cool to have friends and family waiting at the finish line. The kids had a super awesome time at the track today. :) So glad I got to run this with my friends Kathy, Keith, and Glen. This was Kathy's first half, and she ran it strong! So proud of her. Hope we got you hooked, Girl! There is nothing like RUNNER'S HIGH!
Finish time was 2:13:10.
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